Are you a teen yet?

There are many kids and stuff. And your probs interested in if your a kid or a tween or a old lady or a TEEN! Do my quiz and comment pretty pretty please!

Are you a kid?? Or a old lady? or a tween? or close to a teen? Or a teen?! well then play my awesome quiz by me!!!!!!!!! yay play it~~!!! or else....... =)

Created by: sophieisaunicorn

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How old are you (and tell the truth!)
  2. Do you have boobs yet?
  3. What grade are you in?
  4. Do you have a boyfriend?
  5. Do you have a car?
  6. Do you have hair on your vagina? (sorry this is weird...)
  7. Do you shave yet?
  8. Almost done! But will you rate and comment?
  9. Did you have your period yet?
  10. LAST QUESTION! but what do you think you will get?

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Quiz topic: Am I a teen yet?