Are you a tairen

There are many people who are "Family orientated" but not all of them are protective enough to be called Tairens. Do you have Tairen blood in you or are you Human?

Are you so family orientated you would die for them? Do care more for others then you do for yourself? Now you can find if you have tairen blood in you.

Created by: Risika
  1. How protective of others are you
  2. How do you fight
  3. What would you prefer to fight with
  4. Boys: What would you get your Beloved Girls: What would your Beloved give you
  5. Girls: What would you get your Beloved Boys: What would your Beloved get you
  6. What is your ideal date
  7. Girls: What is your prefered activity
  8. Do you think you are a tairen
  9. When you feel the wind blowing what do you think
  10. Where would you prefer to live
  11. Do you tend to get in trouble for helping others too much

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Quiz topic: Am I a tairen