Are you a Taco?

Have you ever wondered if f you were a Taco? Take this quiz to find out! There is a little Taco in all of us. Embrace your inner Taco my child. Taaaacoooooooooo

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Created by: Taco
  1. Favorite ethnic food?
  2. Favorite hobby
  3. Do you bring people joy?
  4. Do you love Jesus?
  5. What crime are you most likely to commit?
  6. Are you s p i c y ?
  7. Beans?
  8. Favorite fast food joint
  9. What do you like on your nachos?
  10. Choose one
  11. How do you feel about burritos?
  12. Final question: WAP?
  13. I lied >:) REAL FINAL QUESTION: are tacos sandwiches?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Taco?

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