Are you a super villain, or a super hero? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a super villain, or a super hero?
Bwahaaaahhahaaaaa! oh sorry i got carried away! I got a secret for yal. i like long flowing skirts, cuz they feel like a cape on my waste! ok im sorry if im creepin u out ={D (evil smiley)
Ohh, and Savannah Racliff, I am talking 2 u too!!!!!
I think this is is a good quiz for people who don't know if your good or bad
darin w1 -
hey man i totaly made this quiz andi hope you liked it! i scored vilian!!!! cool right? Oh and evelyn is my middle name!!!
Hey, come on people coment on my quiz!PLEASE!!!! Yes jessica sykes, kristen compton, and laura kate, im talkin 2u guys!!!!!!!!
and im talkin 2 evey one else 2!!!!
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