Are you a studnet at hogwarts

Are you a student or not. Let's find out if you want if not just move on but if you doubt it's a good one just make a comment on that okay whoever you are?

So does this sound like a good test to you? If it does then take it! I don't care if you were just bored because I made this test for the same reason why you toke this test.

Created by: hihi of bing
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First 1, what's your favorite color
  2. Choose a death eater
  3. What house are you in
  4. Choose a weasley kid
  5. Random question , what's your crush in Hogwarts for girls
  6. For boys, who's your crush
  7. Choose a smiley face
  8. What kind of blood person are you?
  9. What's your patronus
  10. Did you like my test

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Quiz topic: Am I a studnet at hogwarts