Are you a stalker?

I decided to make the quiz cause why not, might as well figure out who my stalkers are, you know! So ummm… are you a stalker? Please say no! Please say no!

Idk why I have to write another one, considering I’ve already explained myself in the other one, sooooo! Ummm… not me using up space cause I feel like it! ^^

Created by: Unknown
  1. What’s my favorite animal
  2. What’s my name
  3. How many siblings do I have?
  4. How old am I?
  5. Who’s my favorite sister?
  6. Am I a texter or talker?
  7. Truth or Dare?
  8. When did I learn how to fly?
  9. Pie or cake?
  10. Who typed this question

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Quiz topic: Am I a stalker?
