Are You a Sonic or a Mario Fan?

Sonic is the fastest thing alive and Mario is the most popular video game character in the world. But who is better, sonic or Mario???

So choose wisely! This quiz will check out what kind of fan are you: a sonic fan or a Mario fan? Have fun!

Created by: spongebob202Red
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is the creator of sonic?
  2. Who is the creator of Mario?
  3. Which year was the first appearnce of sonic?
  4. Which year was the first appearnce of Mario?
  5. Do you like stopping a mad scientist?
  6. Do you like saving a princess by a giant turtle that breathes fire?
  7. Who is sonic's best friend/partner?
  8. Who is Mario's brother?
  9. What is your favorite game from here?
  10. Last one: which type of human do you want to be?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Sonic or a Mario Fan? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Video Games Quiz category.