Are you a sociopath?

this quiz is mainly for fun and nothing else if you have complaints well to bad pal i cant compromize my self any way i hope you enjoyed this slothely made list.

P.S. this wont prescribe the actual illness for i'm not a doctor number one number two its just a list and its just for fun and doesn't mean anything in the real world.

Created by: RJLW
  1. Do you enjoy pain?
  2. Are you social?
  3. How do you feel when you wake up?
  4. Do you have troubles with others?
  5. How often do you go outside? (not including time during the covid 19 outbreak)
  6. How do you view other people?
  7. Do you enjoy visitors?
  8. So... Hows love life?
  9. How many friends do you have?
  10. How good are with staying on planet earth?

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Quiz topic: Am I a sociopath?
