Are you a skater or a scooterer?

Hello. Are you wondering if you should be a skater or a scooterer? If so then you've come to right place. Take this quiz to find out whether you should be a skater or a scooterer.

Of course, this is only a suggestion, if you end up deciding the opposite of what this quiz says, then go with it! It's all up to you. Either way, just make sure that you're always having fun!

Created by: Ethan
  1. Which trick you prefer (not to do, just to watch?
  2. Which of these tricks do you prefer?
  3. Are you willing to be patient so that you get the basics down?
  4. Do you have more skater friends or scooter friends?
  5. Do you know more about skating or scootering?
  6. Do you like Football or Soccer more (to play)
  7. Who is your favorite?
  8. How old are you?
  9. Why did you take this quiz?
  10. What do you expect your result to be?

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Quiz topic: Am I a skater or a scooterer?
