Are you a Siren?

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Hey, are you looking to know if you're a siren? come on to my quiz to see if you are! but don't be sad if you aren't everything ok I promise you! anyway you gonna be a star

Let's find out if you are brave or not.........I hope you smart we don't need to do this.....*ow man what are you doing tf* sorry my whale bit me

Created by: slasherhollow
  1. What do you eat
  2. RP: you find a beautiful mate but you see another siren approaching. What do you do
  3. RP: you find your mother dying
  4. RP: you see the queen and she's cheating on the king
  5. you find a magic orb that gives you powers
  6. Whats your name
  7. What's your mate's name??
  8. Are you in lgbtq+
  9. Do you believe you have the power for anything
  10. how many kids do you want

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Quiz topic: Am I a Siren?
