Are you a Show off? (BE HONEST I'M WATCHING YOU)

Hello. This quiz was made by sophie with a little help from her friend belinda. The quiz can be used to determine if you're a show off or not or just fun and to spend your time.

Please check out all my other quizzes after this quiz ok? Than that's all have fun with the quiz and be honest cause i'm watching you from very very very far away.

Created by: Fia
  1. Do you act your life is amazing to your friend (be honest!! Please)
  2. Do other girls get annoyed by you? (ask one of those girls if you're not sure)
  3. Do you brag?
  4. Do you flip your hair
  5. Do girls get very very very jealous of you?
  6. Be Honest , are you a show off?
  7. Be Honest, are you a bragger?
  8. What do you think you'll get
  9. Well were you honest?
  10. well bye

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Quiz topic: Am I a Show off? (BE HONEST I'M WATCHING YOU)
