Are you a Sandwich?

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A sandwich is a food typically consisting of vegetables, sliced cheese or meat, placed on or between slices of bread, or more generally any dish wherein bread serves as a container or wrapper for another food type.[1][2][3] The sandwich began as a portable finger food in the Western world, though over time it has become prevalent worldwide.

Sandwiches are a popular type of lunch food, taken to work, school, or picnics to be eaten as part of a packed lunch. The bread may be plain or be coated with condiments, such as mayonnaise or mustard, to enhance its flavour and texture. As well as being homemade, sandwiches are also widely sold in restaurants and can be served hot or cold.[4][5] There are both savoury sandwiches, such as deli meat sandwiches, and sweet sandwiches, such as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The sandwich is named after its supposed inventor, John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich.[6][7] The Wall Street Journal has described it as Britain's "biggest contribution to gastronomy."[8]

Created by: Sandwich
  1. Are you a sandwich?
  2. Are you a sandwich?
  3. Are you a sandwich?
  4. Are you a sandwich?
  5. Are you a sandwich?
  6. Are you a sandwich?
  7. Are you a sandwich?
  8. Are you a sandwich?
  9. Are you a sandwich?
  10. Are you a sandwich?
  11. Are you a sandwich?

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