Are You a Samurai | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You a Samurai.
You are 50% samurai!
You are not a samurai. But you are a good person. Your score indicates you have several of the values held be samurai warriors. This is to be commended. Unfortunately you are just not warrior material.
Not warrior material? That's a load of crap, I've been training since I was seven years old to fight. And my motto is "Never surrender on the battlefield but fight until victory or death."
Like I said, the quiz is a load of crap...
At lest you're a good person. That counts for something, right?
36% Samurai, I have to respectfully disagree when it says. “You’re not warrior material”, I say it’s being smart, if you see someone getting mugged, analyze the situation before just jump into because you’re screwed if he has a weapon. Be strong and valorous but have intelligence and sensibility as well. If not then you’re a dead warrior.
You are 74% samurai!
But honestly: Samurai class was not so honourable as holywood movies show. Their code concerned only to other samurai. They wee not so honourable to peasants. To most of samurai peasants were trash.
I believe this means you are a true warrior.
No that doesn’t, a true warrior doesn’t put others down because they’re below him. He acknowledges that’s they’re below him but he won’t put them down or hate, only people who are lower than another hates and demeans. Warriors and Kings don’t do that.
I guess I'm a good person, but I know for sure that I am a warrior. Just because I got 50% doesn't mean I can't be a warrior.
Only 17%! I love samurai darn. Oh well I answered them all without getting stuck between two different answers and I still kick ass with a katana.
I believe you'll be a great warrior! Don't give up and I'm sure you'll prove that quiz wrong. Good luck!
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