Are You A Saint Quiz

This quiz is to see if your a Saint or not hopefully you had fun doing this quiz if you did share it with your friends and i hope ya'll have a great Christmas!

I think people should believe in god and what he did but some people don't and that is there choice not mine and if there not don't judge them its who they are.

Created by: L Lawlight
  1. what is your favorite color out of these?
  2. Do you believe god is your savior?
  3. Do you think god is real
  4. what do you think you are
  5. Do you think your a saint
  6. What is a saint?
  7. do you like the color purple?
  8. do you think god is a fake
  9. Do you think a saint is fake s---
  10. do you rock purple or like it

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Quiz topic: Am I A Saint Quiz
