Are you a Rusher or a fan?

This is a quis for Big Time Rush. Bu doing this quis you will see how much do you know about them and if you are a simple fan or a true Rusher^-^ Hope you'll like it:)

Are a FAN? Or a RUSHER? If you do not know how many staffs do you know about BIG TIME RUSH this quis will help you learn if you are a simple FAN or a true RUSHER.

Created by: Maria
  1. How James does he call his dog?
  2. Where does Logan come from?
  3. Kendall was in the first place in "Big Time Audition" ?
  4. How mane mumbers are there in BTR ?
  5. Name them.
  6. How many years are they a Band ?
  7. Which is the most BTR's touching song ?
  8. How many albums do they have ?
  9. Who is the married mumber ?
  10. How many years Carlexa* is married ? (*Carlos and Alexa)
  11. Carlexa last names are?
  12. BTR's last names..

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Quiz topic: Am I a Rusher or a fan?