Are you a Runescape addict?

There are a lot of people who play Runescape, but are you an addict? Maybe or maybe not that is up to you when you take this quiz. Why does this have to be so long?

Addicted to runescape? Take this quiz and find out. it will tell you if runescape consumes your life or if it isn't even a part of it.hhhmmm answer me why is it so long?

Created by: Darkone00o
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How long do you play Runescape a day?
  2. What lvl are lesser demons?
  3. How rich are you?
  4. What is your combat lvl?
  5. What does nfs mean?
  6. Where do you go if you die?
  7. What is a dds?
  8. How many lvls are there in the wilderness?
  9. Do you have a rubber chicken?
  10. fun?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Runescape addict?