Are You a Rockstar?

I think you should take this quiz because it tells you if you would be a great rockstar or not so I would take the silly quiz to see if you are a regular man or not.

If you have the brainpower to do the 12 questions I think you can make it to be a rockstar and I hope you pass to be a great composer and I hope you have great quiz.

Created by: harry flustarn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite superhero?
  2. What is your favorite supervillain?
  3. What insterument would you play?
  4. If you had a power what would it be.
  5. What sport would you play?
  6. Would you want to be a superhero or a supervillain.
  7. Would you have Christmas everyday or you birthday.
  8. Which would you be a skier or snow boarder or a sledder?
  9. If you were a Lego who would you be.
  10. What animal would you be?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Rockstar?