Are You a Rock Star Pop Star or Heavy Metal Emo?

There are many great singers but rarely there is an amazing winner of something like american idol or americas got talent but yeah so good luck hope you win.

Are you a rock star??? Or are you a pop star??? Or are you a heavy metal emo wow which is it good luck you all rock?

Created by: jasmine
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you wish to be a singer?
  2. Do you like to sing?
  3. Do you have many friends?
  4. Are you popular?
  5. Do you eat a lot?
  6. How much do you weigh?
  7. Are you a goody 2 shoes or cool?
  8. Do you think I am cool?
  9. Do you have a nice room?
  10. Are you bored?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Rock Star Pop Star or Heavy Metal Emo? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Music Quiz category.