Are You a Roblox Veteran?

There are a lot of noobs on Roblox from the past days and maybe we can stop it I mean... Look at all these LEAVING robloxians! Lets hope youre not one.

You may think a veteran, but are YOU some noobs think they are. If you aren't congrats! If you are, then maybe you will not do good on this quiz... Meh.

Created by: gggg
  1. When did you join?
  2. When was Roblox made?
  3. What was first hat ?
  4. When was robloxs studs changed?
  5. When were noobs born?
  6. When was robux introduced?
  7. When was OBC (not bc or tbc, OBC) made?
  8. When were oders becoming popular?
  9. When was Roblox losing members?
  10. When were smooth edges introduced?

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