Are you a Rick or Morty?

So, pretty much, you went out of you way to take a quiz. Oh well. I made it. Guess I cannot judge you. Oh well. I still will.The next paragraph. You should read it.

You are weak. Why would you listen to text from a quiz? What is wrong with you? Do you touch little kids? Are you a cannibal? You're stupid, I know that much. Look on the ceiling! It. Says. Gullible

Created by: RickC137
  1. Do you have a catchphrase, or would like one?
  2. You are forced to reveal valuable information through a memory. What do you do?
  3. The president calls. He needs your help. What do you do?
  4. Is pluto a planet?
  5. Choose one
  6. 8 or 6
  7. Squanch or Schwift
  8. So. The quiz is ending.
  9. Feels good.
  10. Bye.

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Quiz topic: Am I a Rick or Morty?
