Are you a really bad person? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a really bad person?
Twenty five percent evil,seems legit. I'm very revenge seeking on those who hurt me in the past of my life time but besides that I usually just keep to myself most of the time then.
Zimswife1 -
You are 19% bad!
You are very nice! You deserve a pat on the back and a good cup of tea. Thank you very much for taking my quiz!
iM NICE uwu
good quiz lol -
well i'm just gonna say that i'm pretty bad but its bc i only have 2 friends and 1 is from far away and 1 is not bullied i like saving my friends so does that make me equal?
I got 19%! Love this quiz!
I took it as Anatoly Kuragin (Don't ask why) and got 15% devil.
13% yeah. hooray. wait that means ....... adios
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