Are you a real witch?

Hello browsers! Today I bring u a quiz that will blow your magical interworld. Take the test to prove if your a Harry Potter the 2nd material! Maybe even prove your better!

Do you have control if magic? Can you command the moon? Do you have the abilities to raise the dead, or even summon vampires? Take this quiz and probably you can be the next owner of the Elder Wand!

Created by: Kezia
  1. Do you feel connected to magic?
  2. Do you read about witchcraft?
  3. Do you want to be a witch, or are you really one!
  4. Do you feel moonlight energy?
  5. If your a witch, what witch will you be?
  6. Do you watch Harry Potter or Bewitched, and you get the thought of witches?
  7. What do you think witches wear?
  8. If Hogwarts exists, what will you do?
  9. If book spells are available to purchase, would you buy them or make handmade instead?
  10. What do you want as a familiar?

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Quiz topic: Am I a real witch?