Are you a real vampire(I am);)

There are many people who think they are a real vampire like me well here is a real quiz to see weather you are a real vampire or not.Quiz yourself today to see if you are a poser or a real vampire like me.

Are you a real vampire?Well here is the quiz for you it has 12 questions.You can find out weather you are a vampire or not.So see if you are a vamp like me TODAY!

Created by: Vampirettalana
  1. Do you have extremely pale skin?
  2. Do you have very sharp teeth?
  3. Do you have a reflection.(you can have a reflection one time then it disapears for a while.)
  4. Do you sometimes lick your lips when you see blood around you?
  5. Do you have a serious headache and your skin burns in the sun?
  6. Are your finger nails sharp,strong,but also thin?
  7. Can you change the emotion of someone(cause I can when I was a baby and sat on a fake santa claus's lap I was crying and made him cry.Then I was happy and made him happy.)
  8. When someone bumps into you do you tend to want to make sure he/she get hit back?
  9. Do you listen to creepy music or metal and think"I love this so much."Yet people look at you as if you are a creepy vamp(which you are if you get 50%(half vamp)through 100%9full blood vamp.)
  10. How did you became or are a vampire?

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Quiz topic: Am I a real vampire(I am);)