Are you a real Take That fan?

this is my quiz as you will probably guess it is about take that because they are the best thing ever except milk cos int milk just ace dont you agree????

do you have the knowledge to get 100% on my take that quiz i have made all by my own self? i hope you have please let me know how you did in my shoutbox

Created by: jess
  1. How many members were in take that before they split?
  2. Who is the oldest member of Take That?
  3. What was Take Thats 1st number 1?
  4. What are mark owens middle names?
  5. What year was gary born in?
  6. what was Take Thats first release since reforming?
  7. what was Jasons job before he joined Take That
  8. what is my taje that website called?
  9. just have a little patience still hurting from the
  10. allyour ???????????? pulls you down
  11. who is my favorite member of take that?
  12. in what year did Take That split

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Quiz topic: Am I a real Take That fan?