Are you a real Panic! at the disco fan?

WELL HELLO THERE!!!! let's see if you are a real fan of Panic! At the Disco! GOOD LUCK and it's not the end of the world if you don't know who they are.

The question is... Are you a real fan... Or a FAKE!!!!!! Take the quiz and find out if you are or not. Don't worry. If you don't know who they are, do some research.

Created by: Evelyn O'Keeffe
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite song?
  2. What did you do when you see they're touring in your area?
  3. When at a family reunion, you either…
  4. how often do you dream about them
  5. Do you like Fall Out Boy?
  6. What's your favorite album?
  7. Were you sad when Ryan and Jon left?
  8. What about when Brent Wilson left?
  9. Who do you like more?
  10. Do you stalk the member(s)

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Quiz topic: Am I a real Panic! at the disco fan?