Are you a real NFL fan?

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Many people think they know everything about football and other sports.Do you think you do too? How about the NFL? If you are a huge NFL fan take this quiz today!

Anyone can be an NFL fan, but not anyone is a TRUE NFL fan. Everyone is different, and this quiz can prove you right. NO using Google, Wikipedia, ETC.

Created by: Jacob Sokol
  1. What team won the Superbowl in 1996?
  2. What team has made it to four consecutive Superbowls in a row?
  3. What team went undefeated (14-0) in WHAT year?
  4. What year did the Ravens win in from 2000 to 2005?
  5. What team has five Superbowl wins?
  6. What team versed San Francisco 49ers in 1980, and did the 49ers win?
  7. Which of the following teams NEVER won a Superbowl?
  8. What player was once on the NY Giants?
  9. What two players made a bet that the loser of the game had to shave off one eyebrow?
  10. What is the best ranked team in 2013 so far?

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Quiz topic: Am I a real NFL fan?