Are you a real MAN?

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You just took the man test. Only men get a 100 percent. If you didn't, its ok to be a little boy. Not everyone can be a man. It may be hard to understand. If you did, welcome to the cool club.

You just took the man test. Only men get a 100 percent. If you didn't, its ok to be a little boy. Not everyone can be a man. It may be hard to understand. If you did, welcome to the cool club!

Created by: Nathan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you cry alot?
  2. Do you have a six pack?
  3. Do you have a girlfriend?
  4. Do you like cats?
  5. Do you lift?
  6. Are you enjoying this quiz.
  7. Do you have a cat?
  8. Era uoy trams ghuone ot dnatsrednu siht?
  9. Do you run alot?
  10. Last question? Do you think you did good?

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Quiz topic: Am I a real MAN?