Are you a real man?

So, wanna see if you're a real man? Why, go ahead, try this quiz that uses pure science to tell if you be that real man! You may even end up surprised at how simple yet ignored that last question is to revealing the answer!

This quiz was developed purely for fun, and I hope you share that same fun. I also hope it inspires you to make this kind of quiz yourself. Now, go for it bro!

Created by: Whoever you want
  1. How big are your pecks?
  2. Whacha quality of yo gym?
  3. What yo squad like?
  4. How many girls you "got down" with?
  5. How hot dem grils be?
  6. How would you respond if you caught your girlfriend cheating?
  7. What you think of authority?
  8. How fast that beard grow?
  9. You aint into that wimpy anime s**t are you?
  10. MOST IMPORTANT: Do you sexually identify as a male?

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Quiz topic: Am I a real man?

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