ARe you A REAL Henry Danger FaN???!!

Do you think you have what in you to pass this quiz or if you nor to sure you should go watch a couple more episodes because this quoz is epiccccccccc!

Henry Danger is an American Comedy show on nick it has over 100 eposodes and 5 seasons sadly the show ended in 2020 but dont worry you can still enjoy it!

Created by: Jaycee
  1. In The Eposode "Flabber Gassed" on henry danger who controled Rays body when Henry and Ray Wents to fight Barge?
  2. In the Eposode "Ray goes cray" in Danger Force what does Mika make him spill on his head?
  3. In The eposode "Knight and Danger" In Henry Danger What number does Ciara tell Henry?
  4. How many years does Drex send Ray into to the past in the eposode "Captain Drex"
  5. In The eposode "ray goes cray" where did the two new studentsused to learn in danger force
  6. What is henrys locker number
  7. In the eposode "A new hero" Jaspers legs are?
  8. In the Henry danger And Game shakers cross over Who finds henrys lip balm?
  9. What is Henrys Moms Name?
  10. Who is Piper Rival?
  11. Ok last Queshton and super hard What Is Piper going to name her pony in the henry danger Musical.

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Quiz topic: Am I A REAL Henry Danger FaN???!!

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