Are you a real girly girl?

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It is true I am a girly girl and yes I made it I'm telling you this cause I want you to be proud if your a tom girl or a girly girl but I know in your heart must be girly girl spirit.

Are you a super wow pow girly girl? Are you ready in I sec if you choose to play then get ready to be blasted with these questions and I believe that your a girly girl. (If you get them right)

Created by: Sophia Nguyen

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you think your a girly girl?
  2. Do you like pink, purple, blue, green?
  3. If you had to choose a class to be in for the whole summer what will you pick?
  4. What will you buy?
  5. Public or Privet?
  6. What type of boys do you like?
  7. Do you love?
  8. Who much girls are in a girly group?
  9. Laptop or iPhone
  10. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a real girly girl?