Are You A Real Film Maker?

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There are a lot of great Film Makers out YOU wanna be one of them? Well follow everything in this quiz and everything will be ok! You might even turn out to be a huge hit!

You wanna be a Film Maker? Follow everything in this quiz to make it to the big shot! You might even get famous! Who knows! Oh yeah..YOU DO! Because if you take this quiz you will know for sure if you will make it or not!

Created by: Aaron

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you film with friends?
  2. What type of videos do you make?
  3. Do you edit your videos?
  4. Do you own a green screen?
  5. How many videos have you made in the past?
  6. How long are your videos?
  7. How many videos do you make a week?
  8. How many people watch the videos in a week?
  9. How many people are in your videos? (If there are any at all)
  10. How much do you edit your videos? (If you edit them at all)

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Quiz topic: Am I A Real Film Maker?