are you a real fairy?

"fairys are kind and lovable creatures that are really sweet do you belive that they exist if you do than mabey your one of the fairys com on take the quize"

"with the power of magic you can do any thing go any were and well just you can do every single thing inthe world take this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out"

Created by: bloom
  1. do you believe in fariys?
  2. have you ever seen a fairy?
  3. do you wana be a fairy?
  4. do you like glitter?
  5. do you wana have wings?
  6. have you ever seen a fairy?
  7. whats your favorite color?
  8. do you like animals?
  9. are you mean?
  10. do you care about natrue?

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Quiz topic: Am I a real fairy? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Mythical Creatures Quiz category.