Are you a real emo according to my brain quiz?

So are you emo or not? Emo started late 80s as underground genre then became mainstream when bands like jawbreaker weezer rites of spring and jimmy eat world made it mainstream then bands like Paramore mcr the used painc! at the disco and fall out boy came along.

Can you answer all these questions? Do you deserve to go to hotopic? do you deserve do go to when we were young festivlie? Do you deserve to have skinny jeans? figure it out right now

Created by: Idk of are you a real emo
(your link here more info)
  1. Are you emo
  2. What do you do?
  3. do you have a band tee
  4. Have pepole called you emo
  5. fav movie genre
  6. Who is in the end by
  7. Are all emos deppred
  8. Do you have to be the same political religion to be emo?
  9. bye jk
  10. is jimmy eat world emo?
  11. are you okay
  12. bye
  13. And it's mineThe most loneliest day of my lifeSuch a lonely day

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Quiz topic: Am I a real emo according to my brain quiz?
