Are you a real Emo?

This quiz will separate the posers from the true emos. A true emos are sensitive, emotional, and thoughful. The see the world from a different perspective. That is what makes them special and why they should be respected by our society.

Are you a true emo or just a scene kid? Take this quiz to find out. Answer each question truthfuly so your results will be correct. True emos will score high while posers receive harsh comments.

Created by: Sarah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. What style is your hair?
  3. How often do you talk?
  4. One of your favorite hobbies is?
  5. You listen to what type of music?
  6. You wear which colors most often?
  7. The dark is?
  8. Are you emotional and sensitive?
  9. Do you like to be alone?
  10. Your favorite band is?

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Quiz topic: Am I a real Emo?