Are you a real ARMY ?

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This quizz will show you if you are a real ARMY. I’m sorry of there’s errors in the text I’m French (without google translate or dictionary) so to all the English people here please be indulgent.

Fun facts that are not in the quizz but that may help you if you read them:-Fancy is a song of the girl group Twice.- Jungkook’s BT21 avatar is a pink bunny

Created by: caKe-POP
  1. Do you know what BTS stands for ?
  2. Who are the members called ( in the classic order of presentation: leader and then oldest to youngest)
  3. What’s the iconic sentence about Suga in BTS’ lives
  4. With which common object does Jimin have a problem.
  5. What does the letters « RM » stands for ?
  6. Which of these song is a BTS’s one?
  7. How is Jungkook’s BT21 avatar called?
  8. Does V have a dog ?
  9. J-Hope is the ambassador of…
  10. Jin is WWH which means ?

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Quiz topic: Am I a real ARMY ?
