are you a purf?

there are sassy and diva like girls in this world but few are 100 % purf.what is that? it is a sassy and might be bossy girl.think she is the best of everyone.

are you sassy?bossy?like a diva?you might be a purf .you could wonder am i you can see what the % of purf you are.find out what you are.charm or purf.

Created by: lily224
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you sassy
  2. do people say you are mean or bossy
  3. have many friends and best friends
  4. drama!!!????
  5. were dresses
  6. dose someone follow you or a group
  7. do you even know what a purf is
  8. goth,little girl or tee and jean look
  9. do you think you are a purf
  10. and finally...........

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Quiz topic: Am I a purf?