Are you a PS member?

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As you know, PS stands for pollution stoppers. This a quiz to prove your membership. IF you are (secret name: garbage poop) TD , please take this AND share your result I would love to see it.

This last paragraph is all garbage. I will tell you the true story. Once upon a time there were girls that were talking about something. And I joined that something. They all lived happily ever after. The end.

Created by: Starryone
  1. What is your percentage right NOW
  2. PS.?.
  3. What is the name of the episode where random girls talk
  4. What is that episode
  5. What is the last episode called
  6. RP!!! You are in area 1 of your school when a guy takes 1 piece of it.
  7. What is the bad guy’s name who “turned 8 before the cutoff”?
  8. What is smart girl’s name
  9. Who are BFFs but not shipped with each other?
  10. GaRbAgE

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Quiz topic: Am I a PS member?
