Are You a Procrastinator?

Do you procrastinate? You may be unsure. Maybe you got many poor grades recently, or slacked off on writing thank you cards. Take this quiz to see if YOU are a procrastinator!

I'm Anna. I make lots of quizzes on this site, mostly about horses/music/personality stuff. I really hope you like this quiz!! Myself, I am a bit of a procrastinator at times!

Created by: Anna

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  1. First off - would you consider yourself a procrastinator?
  2. If you were given a school project not due for two months, when would you do it?
  3. What are you supposed to be doing right now?
  4. Do you currently have anything due tomorrow for school?
  5. What are you doing tomorrow?
  6. What was your last test score?
  7. How would you most describe yourself?
  8. If you're sick and miss a day of school, what do you do?
  9. You were invited to a concert with your closest friends, but you also have a huge test the next day you need to prepare for. What's your plan?
  10. Last question - how did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Procrastinator?