Are you a Pro at Minecraft?

There are many noobs, but a few true pros. Afterall, i am the real pro, and ur not. But i am trying to type in stuff to fill it up cause i am lazy as.

There are many noobs, but a few true pros. Afterall, i am the real pro, and ur not. But i am trying to type in stuff to fill it up cause i am lazy as a fat man.

Created by: Nathan
  1. Who is Nathan Adams?
  2. What was the End really planned to be?
  3. How many enderpearls are a stack?
  4. Which mob can be sheared?
  5. What is the best layer for diamonds?
  6. Noobs will have a hard time for now on. _______________________________ What is KillAura?
  7. How do you kill a player stronger than you?
  8. What happens to bed in the End/Nether?
  9. Is Herobrine Real?
  10. Why did you take this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Pro at Minecraft?