Are You a Princess Element, If So Which One?

Only very few people who take this quiz get what they want to be. Remember that you must answer the questions correctly and truthfully. I advise you to take your time.

First of all you would want to know if you are an element and then which one. Don't try and wizz through the questions without thinking about them first though.

Created by: dudeface
  1. Which colours are your favourite?
  2. What is your favourite plant?
  3. Do you have a temper that flares up at certain times?
  4. Are you intelligent?
  5. What type of music do you like?
  6. What is your favourite animal?
  7. What type of games do you like?
  8. What do your friends describe you as?
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. Who do you want to be?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Princess Element, If So Which One?