Are you a Princess and The Frog fan?

This quiz is to show you how much you know about The Princess and The Frog.These are kinda hard so don't worry if you get a low score.If you haven't watched The Princess and the Frog you can guess,you can leave or you can watch

it now!There 9 questions you need to answer.After answering you'll get your results!Do not search these questions up because you need to see how much you know about it.Thank you!

Created by: HeyDude
  1. When is Tiana's birthday?
  2. How did her dad die?
  3. Who voiced Prince Naveen?
  4. Who is Tiana's best friend?
  5. When was Princess and the Frog made?
  6. When is Prince Naveen's birthday?
  7. How old is Tiana?
  8. What is Tiana's dad's name?
  9. What is her mom's name?
  10. How old is Mama Odie?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Princess and The Frog fan?

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