Are you a ppg rrb cpg or a ppnkg

Do you wanna know which character you are?Are you a ppg,rrb,cpg or a ppnkg.Where do you fit in?Take this quiz now to find out.I hope you enjoy it and please answer these questions wisely.

The following quiz will tell you what group you belong in,please don't be sad if you get a group you didn't want.Answer wisely and enjoy the quiz.Like and comment if you can,please.Thanks for taking my quiz.

Created by: Bubbles

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. Pick a favorite item.
  3. What do you do in your spare time?
  4. What's your two favorite colors?
  5. Which team would you join?
  6. Which are you most like?
  7. (No effect)Did you enjoy this quiz?
  8. Which powerpuff girls do you wanna get?
  9. Which rowdyruff boys do you wanna get?
  10. Which powerpunk girls do you wanna get?
  11. Do you wanna get kassandra?
  12. This quiz is now over

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Quiz topic: Am I a ppg rrb cpg or a ppnkg