Are you a Pokemon fan?

This quiz is about pokmeon fans . And Pokemon freaks and I don't know what to put . And I am the one to for the dog the u like kk man like people lick

This quiz is about pokmeon fans . And Pokemon freaks and I don't know what to put . And I am the one to for the dog the u like kk man like people lick people

Created by: Aalizah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What was ash going to choose as a starter Pokemon
  2. What was the name of the 1st Pokemon ash caught?
  3. What was the 1st legendary Pokemon ash saw?
  4. Do you even watch Pokemon?
  5. Do you know these questions are from the old Pokemon series?
  6. Can you sing the pokerap?
  7. Are you lying that you watch Pokemon?
  8. Who do you think is better?
  9. Choose a favorite Pokemon
  10. Pokemon rocks
  11. Pokemon rocks

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Quiz topic: Am I a Pokemon fan?