Are you a Platform Racing 2 Noob?

About platform racing 2! For the members of Jiggmin Village! Pr3 Knights It's a platform racing clan! Join and say you took this quiz for a:

Are you a noob? Are you an amazing player? Are you an average joe? Take this and find out! Hvae fun, and remember to share your results! Need help contact 1python64 :D

Created by: 1python64
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The moderator just left! What do you do?
  2. Leader (a mod on pr2) is ignoring all my PM's! What should I do!
  3. ZOMG! A noob is flaming at me! I'm going to:
  4. I want to be a temp. moderator badly! I should:
  5. Wow! I just founf out a level 45's password! I'm going to:
  6. OMG! Someone usd a glitch on Razor Blade! I have to:
  7. Now lets go to Jiggmin Village for additional questions! Ready?
  8. OMG! My dog just barked! What should I do:
  9. Someone made a thread flaming towards me! I'm going to:
  10. (Thanks for letting me use you LightDimDark, it's just an exaple) LightDimDark is stalking me all over my profile, trying to make conversation, but he's so weird! What do I do:
  11. No! I was going crazy one night on Jiggmin's forums, and spammed. I'm back from my ban now. I'll:
  12. 1python64

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Quiz topic: Am I a Platform Racing 2 Noob?