Are you a piggy Roblox Pro player?

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This quiz will show how good are you in piggy Roblox! By the way... Do you have a Youtube Channal? I would like to Subscribe you and want to be friend with you in Roblox...

Hi, My username in Roblox is Ariendle, I play with my sister Jennis_Summer... I wish you could be in there too.. Plz write down in comment so that i could be friend with you in Roblox.

Created by: Ariendle
  1. Do you know what is piggy?
  2. Which map is the hardest?
  3. What do you think of the TSP?
  4. Did Bunny infected?
  5. Why did Doggy infected in Chapter 4 Forest?
  6. Who is the leader of the TSP (The silver Paw)?
  7. Who is the creater of piggy?
  8. Ok. So do you like the quiz?
  9. Ok.. What will you think of Mousey's leg?
  10. Do you want to see your result?

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Quiz topic: Am I a piggy Roblox Pro player?

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