Are you a pick me?

I apologize in advance, i am new to this and this may not be accurate. This is just for fun!! Have a good day and comment plz!!! :))) Beautiful pplzzzz

Wahhhhhhhhhhhh sigmaaaaaaaaaaaa lolllllllllll tssssssssssss ppppppppmmmmoooooooooo lollllll byeeeeeee immm soooooooo tiredddddddddd (I have nothing else to put lol)

Created by: sav
  1. To start — What gender do you mainly hang around?
  2. How many friends (guys or girls) do you have?
  3. What style of clothing do you wear?
  4. If any of your guy friends tell you they have a girlfriend, how do you react?
  5. A new girl begins hanging out around your guy friends, how do you react?
  6. Last but not least... Do you wear makeup?
  7. (ran out of questions lol)
  8. extra r u today? :)
  9. Byeeeee! :3
  10. sigma

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Quiz topic: Am I a pick me?
