Are you a pet, feral or wild?

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Pet or wild? Find out soon! Pets are smelly and too tame, whilst wilds are amazing and loyal as well as very dependent and smart. Pets love pink and brown, and wilds like gray and blue.

Pets and wilds are very different. Pets have a rotting, stinky or glitter smell. Wilds have a crisp, fresh and good smell. If pets wants to say that something stinks, they'll say " Ew, you're mild!"

Created by: PetVsWild
  1. What would you eat right now?
  2. What color fur do you want?
  3. Pick a scent!
  4. Pick a meat!
  5. Pick an attack!
  6. You've found an unclaimed territory! What will it be?
  7. Pick a name!
  8. How do you eat?
  9. How do you feel?
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: Am I a pet, feral or wild?

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