Are You a Perc Y Jackson Fan?

There are different fans in the world all for differet things like Percy Jackson but do you want to know if your an true fan take this quiz for yaaall.

Are you a fan of the almighty Percy Jackson series thriller adventure its got it all to be the biggest fan in the world would be wickedly awesome agree?

Created by: veron ica
  1. What is the title of the third book?
  2. What is percys mums name?
  3. Who is his camp director?
  4. Who is the hero?
  5. Who is his girlfriend?
  6. Who is searching for pan?
  7. Who joins the hunters?
  8. What is the title of the 4th book?
  9. What is the name of percys pegasi?
  10. Which character says to Percy yo boss whenever he sees him?
  11. Who is grovers girl friend?
  12. What is grovers girlfriend?
  13. Who is the trater from the beginning?
  14. Who is percys brother?
  15. Wat is Tyson?
  16. Who is percys dad?
  17. Who is chiron?
  18. What is another way to describe chiron?
  19. What is chiron?
  20. What was percys grade for rockwall climbing in his second summer at camp?
  21. What is kronos?
  22. Who is Anna beths mother ?
  23. Who is the camps new oracle?
  24. What is rachaels full name?
  25. Who is lukes mother?
  26. What is lukes last name?
  27. What is hestia the goddess of?
  28. Who is lukes dad?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Perc Y Jackson Fan?