Are You A PAB (not a good thing)

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If you know what time it is then you'll do good on this. This quiz is to determine if you are a PAB or not.Trust me you dont want to be a PAB. NOw the results may hurt you but its the truth.

Are you A PAB?? Do you think you are one take this quiz and find outif you are a PAB or not? Are you friends with PABs are you one yourself. I dont know how else to descirbe it so yeah.

Created by: Britney BBBBB Brown
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What time is it?
  2. If you heard someone was talking about you behind your back what would you do?
  3. Have you ever called someone a PAB before?
  4. Would you ever fight someone?
  5. Can you always back up what you say?
  6. Would you ever jump someone?
  7. Does it seem like you have a lot of haters?
  8. Would you ever throw someones belongings out on the highway to where they could never get that stuff back even if you didnt like them?
  9. Do you own up to what you do?
  10. Do you think your a PAB?

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Quiz topic: Am I A PAB (not a good thing)