Are you a ninja or a spy?

Have you ever wondered whether you'd make a good spy or a ninja? Well here's a good way to find out! I had fun comeing up with the questions as much as the results.

I hope that you like this quiz, so please enjoy this quiz and please leave some comments. (Please don't leave mean comments, because it would hurt my feelings.) :)

Created by: deadly silence

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What color do you like the best out of these?
  2. If you're at school and there's a fight, what would you be most likely to do?
  3. Pretend that you're on face book and you see a mean commet that someone posted about you. What would you do?
  4. You're walking down the street and see someone take an old lady's purse. You choose to:
  5. You get a text from your friend saying that your boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating on you.You:
  6. Out of these places, where would your dream home be?
  7. What would be your favor it thing to wear?
  8. What gift would you give your mom for her birthday?
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. Will you comment/rate?

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Quiz topic: Am I a ninja or a spy?